Star Wars The Old Republic

Posted: September 18, 2010 in Star Wars The Old Republic

Welcome back !

As i said, im going to start with some information about Star Wars TOR, currently in development and still in closed 😦 beta.

First some info about the game, for those (shame on you hehehe) who don’t know what the game is about.

Star Wars TOR is a story-driven MMO game from BioWare and LucasArts. As you play you will explore an age thousands of years before the rise of Darth Vader where a war between the Old Republic and the Sith Empire divides the galaxy. Ofcourse at the start you have to choose your “class”.

First you will have to choose between the Dark Side or the Light Side, either the Sith or the Old Republic. After that you can choose between a wide area of different play styles, called Classes. There are ofcourse the Jedi and the Sith waving about a bit with their lightsabres, but as not to have a game full of running/jumping and flying Force users you can also choose to be a Smuggler (like Han Solo) or Bounty Hunter (Bobba Fed anyone ?). To conclude the list you can be like Cody and be an Elite-trooper. Each side has 4 classes which all have their pro’s and con’s against another class. More about the setting of the game can be found by clicking here!

As to not make this post to long, i urge you to travel to the website of the game and use their holonet (<– click on it) if you want to find out more about the content of the game.

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